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2018-07-30 16:14:20来源:元素商城




Suzhou Xingkeyuan Information Technology Co., Ltd., founded in 2014, is an innovative e-commerce enterprise dedicated to scientific research and medical services. Main biochemical reagents, equipment consumables, protective supplies, medical equipment, laboratory equipment, brand partners include Aladdin, McLean, TCI, Merck, Enochai, Bellevue, Honeywell, 3M, Corning, Essence, Dragon, Cymerfeld, Emmas, Madison and other well-known brands.

The company has the leading medical and electronic business platform in the country -- the element mall. Elemental Mall is committed to information integration services in the medical and chemical industry under the new situation. In addition to building a platform for brand manufacturers to display and sell products, it also provides high-quality services such as product inquiry, purchase, medical and chemical information consulting, as well as laboratory decoration and design services for buyers. Shopping mall professional high-quality elite customer service team, real-time online question-answering, so that sales, procurement into a simple and easy, to the greatest extent to solve the majority of traditional e-commerce incentives, service is not timely, information disconnection and other issues, to ensure that you worry about after-sales.


Element business city, based on industry innovation, help you dream to fly!

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